Leadership OS 1.1 - Calendar Optimization

Get back to a clean calendar

Welcome to a new series of newsletters where we show you how to build a Leadership OS - the operating system that helps C-suite let go & do more.

Chiefs of Staff, Executive Assistants, and ExecOps resources, a clean calendar is super important for your leader. Read on to learn how to implement Calendar Optimization for your principal.

Leadership OS 1.1: Calendar Optimization


Analyze your executive’s calendar, remove or reduce meetings, and introduce no-meeting timeblocks specifically designated for deep work and strategic thinking


More time, more energy, more creativity, more family time


  1. Set up a recurring weekly meeting on your principal’s calendar to review the questions below

  2. Fridays work well since you can preview the week ahead

  3. Ask each question in sequence, and make your leader respond honestly

Calendar Optimization Exercise

  1. What can I remove from my calendar?

  2. What's on my calendar that can be automated?

  3. What's something that should be delegated, but isn't?

  4. Is there anything on my calendar that isn't urgent & important?

  5. Can any important meetings be 50% shorter?

  6. Can I build in more timeblocks for no-meetings?

  7. How can I get off the computer more?

  8. How can I maximize family time?

  9. Is there anything missing that I need to timeblock?

That’s it! Let me know if you have any questions or run into any problems.

And If you want to learn more about how we can help you design & build a Leadership OS for your C-suite team, reply “SYSTEM” to this email.

Chief of Staff Jobs

Welcome to our Chief of Staff job board. As always, if you have a Chief of Staff job you’d like shared, let us know.

Deputy Chief of Staff, Worldcoin, San Francisco, CA

Chief of Staff, Elemy, Chicago, IL

Chief of Staff & Culture, Southern Poverty Law Center, Atlanta, GA

Chief of Staff, Pallet, SF

Chief of Staff, US Bitcoin Corp, Miami, Florida

Chief of Staff, Product, Patreon, New York, NY

Chief of Staff, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA

Chief of Staff, Deferit, New York, NY

Chief of Staff, Way, Austin, TX

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Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for next week’s edition.


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